

In a rapidly changing global business landscape where time-to-market is becoming increasingly critical to survival, real-time information visibility across worldwide supply chains is now an essential ingredient to business success.

Supply Chain Visibility means knowing where things are now; why they are there; and where they were before. It means knowing how many days of production can be done with the raw materials on hand, or whether inventory levels reflect the total of what’s in the back room plus what’s in the distribution center plus what’s in transit.

GS1 Hong Kong, building on the success of the HKSAR government-funded EPCnetwork Project, has developed ezTRACK addressing supply chain parties' need to track and trace the flow of goods and product information from point of manufacture to point of sale. It provides a seamless data pipe.

ezTRACK is compatible with various technologies including Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), bar code, Global Positioning System (GPS), sensors. It allows enterprises to instantly access business-critical product information related to work-in-progress status, product inventory data, delivery schedules, etc.

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